9. February 2021


Southern Red Bishop in breeding plumage!

Strengthened with cheese and good wine, we left the Neuras Winery and followed the D 850 towards Maltahöhe. The track rose and before we knew it, we were at 1,400 meters. It had rained heavily up here in the past few weeks. The deep, rainwater-filled depressions on and next to the dirt road are evidence of this. And the grass that stood as tall as wheat on either side.

The next fifty kilometers to Maltahöhe were monotonous. The track led straight across a plateau and past some tin huts. We wondered what the people up here live on. I thought I read somewhere that Karakul sheep are bred here. But we didn’t see any!

Shortly after Maltahöhe, which looked deserted that Sunday afternoon, we met the junction to the Hudup Camp, which is located on the river of the same name. Brigitta had read that it was good to watch birds here. Right! We had just set up tables and chairs when we saw the first Southern Red Bishop. Later also the Amethyst Sunbird and Crimson-breasted Shrike. But the day is not over yet …

PS. We hope that someone will show up this evening and unlock the shower and toilet doors. Once again, we are alone – not even the owner of the camp comes by …

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